CR: Melchor Pérez Holguín


Melchor Pérez Holguín (Aprox. 1665-1735) was a painter active in Potosí in the Audiencia de Charcas, present day Bolivia. He is considered one of the most original and important artists emerging on the South American continent during Spanish colonial reign. Art historian Joakim W. Olañeta Borda-Pedreira is in charge of a complete and critical study of the artist's extant œvre, as well as a survey on his close disciples and studio production. An in-depth discussion on attribution and style along with recent technical findings will guide the publication. The book will contain almost 200 works

This publication will be a welcome contribution to the knowledge of this artist's work and key to understand his style and cronology, as well as dispell some myths and superficial attributions that flourish in both academia and the art market.

The autor accepts submissions of work for consideration, which might be included after proper evaluation. Contact

Language: English. Due for publishing 2026-27.

In Spanish: Melchor Pérez Holguín (Aprox. 1660-1732) fue un pintor activo en Potosí en la Audiencia de Charcas, hoy territorio de Bolivia. Es considerado uno de los artistas más originales e importantes que emergieron en Sudamérica durante la colonia española. El historiador de arte Joakim W. Olañeta Borda-Pedreira está a cargo de un estudio completo y crítico de la obra existente de este artista, el primer catálogo rasonado dedicado a la obra de Melchor Pérez Holguín y sus discípulos. El libro incluirá una discussion a fondo sobre el estilo y las atribuciones de Holguín, con intencion de dispersar algunos mitos e incorrecciones acerca del artista que florecen tanto en el ámbito académico como en el comercio de arte.

El autor acepta propuestas de obras que podrán ser incluídas posterior a un debido estudio. Contacto:

Idioma: inglés. Fecha de publicacíon aprox. 2026-27.

Melchor Pérez Holguín,San Francisco meditando (1694),

Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz.

The Nordic Institute of Art is an independent organisation with the mission to stimulate the research on and interest in art history from the Nordic region in an international context.